Key Result Areas (List the vital outcomes or outputs required to achieve the overall purpose of the position)
1. Basic Principles and Values
2. Merit Review and Development Plans (MRDPs)
3. Sales output over operating costs
4. Effective customer planning and development of the sales cache
5. Customer satisfaction
Performance Expectations (List each KRA and then insert what is the expected performance for each KRA)
Basic Principles and Values
Demonstrated compliance with and commitment to the companys Basic Principles and
Merit Review and Development Plans (MRDPs)
Active participation in and commitment to the companys Merit Review and Development Plan process Work output
Quarterly review of completed work tasks against expense of position
Effective repairs / work without recall
Customer Satisfaction
Provide customer satisfaction (internal / external) through courteous interaction and communication of work related issues.
Associated tasks and duties
To prepare the quotations and detail offers for tender specifications
To manage technical enquiries and offer alternatives to the customer requirements
To follow with attention the deadlines of the different orders, deliveries, contracts and agreements
Complete the sale of EnerSys batteries, chargers and systems and value add to the offers where applicable.
Prepare customer quotations, including supporting documentation, etc.
Follow up previously provided quotations to secure orders and gather price info feedback
Provide potential customers with a thorough description of a proposed system solution to a
customer need.
Identify competitive advantages of company solution over competitor products/offerings.
Work as part of a team with other sales members and other sales support personnel to provide
high levels of support to customers.
Responsible for developing long-term sales process strategy.
To develop a service strategy and complete sales of service to customers with positive revenue