Executive Director of Housekeeping :
1. Manage the daily activities of the Housekeeping department to include appropriate
2. cleaning of all offices, concourses, seating areas, washrooms, restaurants, concession
3. stands, suites, and all public spaces.
4. Planning, organizing and directing team members to ensure the highest degree of guest
5. satisfaction.
6. Daily supervision of the housekeeping staff, including the day, event and post-event
7. crews.
8. Daily supervision of the grounds keeping staff, including the day, event and post-event
9. crews.
10. Purchase, re-order and maintain housekeeping supplies and inventory.
11. Conduct pre-event inspections of all rooms, concourses, clubs, seating areas and public
12. areas prior gate opening for every event held at the Arena.
13. Recruit, schedule and train all new housekeeping staff members.
14. Maintain the housekeeping budget, providing billing summaries and expenses for all pre
15. and post events.
16. Uphold the highest standards of cleanliness, safety, and conduct.
17. Knowledge of OSHA and safety standards within Housekeeping department.
18. Determines and maintains the department work schedule used to notify staff of
19. upcoming events and ensure proper preparation and staffing for each event.
20. Ensures the proper maintenance of all equipment; makes arrangements for repair
21. and/or replacement of used and damaged equipment.