Wanted Coordinators for Multi Level Membership Scheme (MLMS) of Creative Treasure Network (CTN):
Full Time/Part Time/Freelance/Work from Home/Consultancy.
Location: All over the World.
Job: Enrolling members from your friends and contacts as Founder Life Members (FLMs) of Creative Treasure Network (CTN) and also through local and social media marketing.
Earnings: Very high MLMS Coordination Fee, proportionate to number of FLMs enrolled. Each FLM joining can also enroll members under them and get good earnings.
Additional Benefits/Earnings:
1. FLMs including the Coordinators will be the collective producers of films, TV serials and other entertainment media productions of CTN, and they will get proportionate equal share in profits immediately on successful completion of each production project by CTN.
2. FLMs including Coordinators will be recognized as the Producers of CTN’s films, TV serials and other entertainment productions and will be eligible for all privileges and rights as such.
3. They will also get opportunity to work in the entertainment productions such as films, TV serials and other productions of CTN if they are interested and possess the necessary abilities/talents or technical expertise for acting, script writing, pre-production, production, post production activities. For such activities, remuneration applicable to other similar professionals involved will be paid.
Targets: Enrolling at least 5 FLMs every month can assure steady income in the form of MLMS Coordination fee.
Qualifications & Experience: Any; Experience not required; those with experience in marketing financial products / financial consultancy / banking / insurance / chartered accountants/ tax consultants/ entertainment media professionals etc can achieve high success very easily.
Age: Any above 18 years. Sex: Any; special consideration for women and college students, especially media students, with interests and talents for entertainment media activities.