Banquet Coordinator :
The banquet chair oversees the entire event by providing leadership and direction for all of the other subcommittee
chairs. The chair delegates and follows up with the various subcommittee chairs. These subcommittee chairs are:
prayer team, table hosts, corporate sponsors, food, decorations, registration and name tags, program and follow up.
Basic Strategies to Develop
Young Life has developed "The 10 Essentials" for planning and implementing a successful banquet. These 10
requirements are to:
1. Determine the right type of event.
2. Set date, time and place of event.
3. Reserve banquet location.
4. Delegate committee assignments.
5. Recruit table hosts.
6. Generate a guest list.
7. Invite guests.
8. Make table seating assignments.
9. Plan program.
10. Conduct banquet follow up.