Purpose: Maintain high standard and quality of credit analysis by an effective review of application forms (credit proposals) and in compliance with applicable policies and procedures. Duties and Responsibilities: Review the application forms in line with the bank policies and procedures pertaining to the Credit Initiation Process; draft comments / recommendations regarding the provision or decline of credit as well as related terms and conditions. Review the financial position of the applicant on the basis of documents supporting the application form. Study the (bank) account performance of the applicant and evaluate the credit proposal for the requested credit amount and other terms and conditions. Review bank statements of the applicant and study the applicantrsquos existing / recent credit history, if any, to identify credit repayment influencing behaviors such as postponement of installments / overdue installments / recovery of overdraft against salary, among others. Ensure that approved credit requests are in accordance with the bankrsquos policies and procedures. Prepare an lsquoexceptions reportrsquo on a daily basis and forward to the assigned Team Leader for review and further action. Perform any other duties or responsibilities that are consistent with the employee Role and assigned by the management.