Looking over the contracts received for the monthly orders, confirming that the volumes match our order; and confirming that the contract's pricing correspond to the agreed-upon quarterly prices.
Entering each purchase order for a purchase into the SAP system.
Creating an Excel sheet with the stock values report after extracting them from the SAP system.
Drafting the report on shipments and output. Helping to plan with the weekly report file preparation.
Supplying all the details about the arrival and sailing of containers examining and evaluating the order plan for each month.
Examining the vendors' shipping schedules. Making sure that quantities are planned for timely shipping in order to prevent shelf-life loss. Giving the relevant team member a copy of the shipping advises so they can cover the cargo.
Reviewing the vendors' shipping schedules. Making sure that quantities are planned for timely shipping in order to prevent shelf-life loss. Giving the relevant team member a copy of the shipping advises in order to pay for the cargo insurance. Making sure that overseas representatives are aware of the monthly volumes that need to be produced. If there is a variance, making sure that our representatives are notified by phone or email of the proper volumes.
Confirming that export orders are shipped in accordance with the necessary ETA.