1. Planning administration
Provide leadership and vision to the organization by assisting the Board and staff with the development of long range and annual plans, and with the evaluation and reporting of progress on plans.
Oversee preparation of an Annual Report summarizing progress on short and long range plans.
Research and write discussion papers, analysis documents and proposals as needed to assist the organization in determining and meeting its long and short term goals.
2. HR management
Recruitment and contracting of company and project staff;
Employee development, and training;
Policy development and documentation;
Employee relations;
Performance management and improvement systems;
Employment and compliance to regulatory concerns and reporting;
Company-wide committee facilitation including planning, production, staff and
Board of Directors, including arranging meetings and agendas, attending and minuting meetings;
3. Project management:
Manage hire and distribution of music scores and parts, including any performing rights payments.
Oversee the booking of tours this includes: venue liaison from negotiating the deal to distribution of audience questionnaires, programs and merchandise.
Oversee organization of company transport, subsistence and accommodation.
Liaise with Production Manager to oversee hire and delivery / transport of all technical and production equipment.
4. Marketing and PR:
Manage advertising opportunities in other theatre program, press and at venues.
Organize the availability of company members for media/PR events as necessary.
Oversee content, production and distribution of all marketing and publicity materials (posters, program, flyers, mail outs, brochures etc) with director, designer and project manager.
Manage press development;
Co-ordinate the invitation of potential future promoters and supporters of the company.
5. Financial management
Provide recommendations regarding investments and cash strategies.
Oversee preparation of annual budget, regular variance statements and annual audit.
Provide vision regarding overall financial health of the company.
Provide vision and leader ship in long � range fiscal planning to ensure the continuity and solvency of the company.
Provide recommendations regarding effective utilization of long and short term debt, including refinancing and purchasing/sales.
Oversee fundraising efforts.
6. Administrative management
Ensure client and vendor file integrity (documents, analytical information where required, communication notations, etc.).
Maintain general oversight and insure accuracy of records including A/R, A/P, Inventory, etc.
Assist in development of forms and tools to increase company efficiency and risk management.
7. Production/QC:
Insure accurate documentation of production and quality control data and records.
Direct and oversee site production activities and personnel.
Oversee and ensure high safety standards at all times.